Paintings, in series.
Larger paintings

A series of larger, more complex canvases building upon smaller experiments such as paintings seen in the Paintings Color Systems Patterns section.
Generally, a kind of object (or several) appears on a complex ground. The foreground objects are biomorphic - influenced by sculpture I make, or plant forms, or images from textbooks on microbiology. The objects are embedded in rich environments that recall cellular construction, or in some cases borrow geometrical constructions from ancient tilework or other decorative patterns. As usual, "decorative" turns out to have a meaning - often it refers to an idealized, abundant garden.
Generally, a kind of object (or several) appears on a complex ground. The foreground objects are biomorphic - influenced by sculpture I make, or plant forms, or images from textbooks on microbiology. The objects are embedded in rich environments that recall cellular construction, or in some cases borrow geometrical constructions from ancient tilework or other decorative patterns. As usual, "decorative" turns out to have a meaning - often it refers to an idealized, abundant garden.
Vessel Paintings

A series of paintings that show various vessels I've made, almost as though the vessels were the subjects of a portrait. Click the image for more in this series. Size: 24 x 20 inches.
Plant/Guardian paintings

A playful series of small paintings in which I juxtapose a drawing of an imaginary plantlike form with a spiritual being. Some of the spirit forms are drawn from things that I saw on trips to China and Japan - spirit guardian figures in temples, or carved stone figures used to protect entrances and doorways, etc. Size: 10 x 8 inches, mostly.
Paintings in color, systems, patterns

This is a set of studies of color, form, and pattern that I made to prepare for the painted parts of an installation. They are finished works on their own, though. Sources are numbering patterns, microscopic imagery, and various kinds of repetitive mark making that imply larger systems - with a sense of interconnectedness. Size: 14 x 11 inches.
Personal Icons

A quirky and personal view of several historical sculptures of women. In each work, I've redrawn the face in my own way - onto a porcelain tile that is then mounted into a small painting. Size: 8 x 6 x 1 inch (the ceramic tile projects from the painting surface).